
Parental Rights After Miscarriage (as of October 2023): In Kansas, parents have the right to the release and burial of their child, and will be notified of their disposition options. (Please note: A death certificate is mandatory if a stillbirth occurs after 20 weeks of gestation or if the baby weighs 12 ounces or more at the time of birth.)

The Compassionate Friends

If you are a member (or a friend) of a family that has suffered the death of a child, The Compassionate Friends is here to help you and provide support for the family. Feel free to contact TCF’s National Office at 877-969-0010 or nationaloffice@compassionatefriends.org if you need assistance in finding a local Chapter or you have any other questions.

Project Chrysalis

Project Chrysalis is a ministry offering hope through Sacred Scripture and community to parents or grandparents who have lost a child or grandchild. While this ministry is not a bereavement group, our mission is to offer support and hope through scripture in a time of transformation. Our next meeting will be held on April 27, from 7:00-8:15pm, in person in the St. Luke Room, at Church of the Ascension, and online via Zoom. For more information, including the Zoom invitation link, contact Deacon Ken Billinger at 913-634-4210 or email kbillinger@archkck.org. The group is open to parents or grandparents who have lost children.

KIDS Network

Network Support Meetings provide peer support for parents, grandparents, relatives, friends, caregivers, and child care providers who have experienced the loss of a loved one due to SIDS or other sudden infant death, miscarriage or stillbirth. The meetings are held on a regular monthly basis with follow-up for those individuals who would like individual support. We can also help arrange peer-to-peer support as well. Support meetings are held via Zoom.

Emilia's Wings

Emilia’s Wings is a registered Kansas City-based 501(c)(3) charitable non-profit established to raise awareness for pregnancy and infant loss.  Emilia’s Wings was created in memory of Emilia Madeleine Rose Clough, who was born asleep on March 15, 2017, at North Kansas City Hospital.  The Clough family created Emilia’s Wings as a way to not only keep Emilia’s memory alive but to reach out to other families who have experienced the loss of a child and to help normalize grief in the aftermath of these experiences.

You Made Me Mom

An open invitation is extended to any woman who has lost a child due to miscarriage, stillbirth or infant death. you are welcome whether the loss occurred ten plus years ago or ten hours ago, and even if you have other living children, have no living children, are currently pregnant, or struggle with fertility.  

Pregnancy After Loss Support

Shawnee Mission – Pregnancy After A Loss Group – Meets every second Thursday from 7:00-8:30pm at Shawnee Mission Medical Center, 9100 W 71st St., Shawnee Mission, KS. For more information contact Tricia at 913-632-4223 or tricia.walania@shawneemission.org.


Share offers in-person and online support groups for grieving families in Kansas.

Serendipity Photography

After the loss of a child, the thought of a family photo session can be a daunting and heartbreaking time. After the death of my third child, Brynlee in 2017, I really did not long for those family photos anymore. Memorial sessions were created to pay honor to our children and babies gone too soon. A chance to in-cooperate their memory in your family photos. I pour my heart into each session I do and love getting to know your journey and your family. The silhouettes placed into your photos are meant to be the same age, height and gender as your child(ren). 

Alexandra's House

At Alexandra’s House you have at your near-immediate disposal a large, compassionate, ever-growing community of your peers. It consists of parents, couples, grandparents, aunts, uncles, friends, and more, ready to welcome you with open arms and understanding hearts. We each have been skillfully trained to serve you by our own personal losses of our babies from any cause, both expected and unexpected ones. Because we’ve been there, we can truly say 'I/we understand'.

My Angel Lives

My Angel Lives is a safe haven for you to feel what you need to feel while being supported and celebrated. I created it because I needed grief to have room to spread out so that I could heal. Artistic Expression has helped me journey through my losses. 

My Angel Lives continues to exist to serve, support, and empower grief survivors. We are here to help you express grief, cultivate internal healing, and restore hope through intimate community & celebration.

My Angel Lives was created in the thick of grief and continues to grow with labor and love.

Kyleigh's Gift

Miscarriage Care Packages are given to women who arrive at Liberty Hospital with a pregnancy loss under 20 weeks. The care packages are available throughout the hospital: Emergency Department, Surgery, Recovery & Birthing Center, making sure that no mom is overlooked.

Bereavement resources are given to families in the Birthing Center who experience a pregnancy or infant loss. Books for mothers, fathers and siblings are available. A hand-painted angel figurine is given to families in memory of their baby.