
Parental Rights After Miscarriage (as of October 2023): In Vermont, parents have the right to the release and burial of their child. (Please note: A report is mandatory if stillbirth occurs after 20 weeks of gestation or if the baby weighs 14 ounces or more at the time of birth.)         

The Compassionate Friends

If you are a member (or a friend) of a family that has suffered the death of a child, The Compassionate Friends is here to help you and provide support for the family. Feel free to contact TCF’s National Office at 877-969-0010 or if you need assistance in finding a local Chapter or you have any other questions.

First Step Pregnancy Clinic

Our staff understands the complex emotions surrounding infant loss. Whether you recently had a loss or it's been years and you've not yet told a soul, this is our message to you. We see you. We are here for you. Individual counseling or a support group can be of great help in healing any pain or regret that may exist.

If you need to talk about your loss with people who care and understand, contact us confidentially today.

Northwestern Counseling & Support Services

To ensure that the residents of Franklin and Grand Isle Counties have access to high quality services, which promote healthy living and emotional well-being.

Central Vermont Medical Center

CVHHH offers grief support groups in 6-week sessions with 2-week intervals in between. This allows for a more focused approach to our grief process. There is no fee. We focus on learning together about various ways to cope with grief, with the intention of receiving and offering support through the sharing of personal experiences. Articles and books about grief are available.

Our goal is to provide a safe and supportive environment for exploration of the changes brought to our lives by the death of a loved one. We request that what takes place in the group stays within the group, creating a safe and non-judgmental space. Although it is not necessary to call ahead, it is appreciated.

Maitri Health Care

A list of local support groups and resources.


Share offers in-person and online support groups for grieving families in Vermont.

Empty Arms Vermont

We host open, peer-facilitated, support groups to anyone who has experienced pregnancy or infant loss at any stage. Those who participate in group support are confirmed in the value of what they have lost and are given the freedom to grieve and heal at their own pace, using their own strength of character as well as the bonds of friendship as their tools.

Kinsley Birth Services

All babies are blessings and a life.   It is unfortunate that all births do not end in a healthy baby.  I do offer support for families that are experiencing a miscarriage or stillbirth.

I can help you prepare for the upcoming birth and support you through the labor and delivery.  I can also attend your 6 week postpartum visit.  You are not alone in this.

I do have personal experience in this as my sister was a stillbirth at 5 months.  It was hard to understand as a child how my mom was pregnant and now was not bringing a baby home.

I am currently studying miscarriage and stillbirth support.  Please
contact me if you would like my assistance through this difficult time in your life.

Dartmouth Health

Are you grieving the loss of a family member, a friend, or a loved one? We invite you to join our Grief Support Group. Meet with others who have suffered loss, explore your individual grieving processes, and gain knowledge and insight on useful coping skills to help begin to heal.

The University of Vermont Health Network

Support groups connect people facing similar challenges. Many people find the support they receive from a group made up of people who share similar experiences very helpful in managing their own health challenges.