
Parental Rights After Miscarriage (as of October 2023): In Maryland, parents have the right to the release and burial of their child. (Please note: A death certificate is mandatory if a stillbirth occurs after 20 weeks of gestation or if the baby weighs 18 ounces or more at the time of birth.)       

The Compassionate Friends

If you are a member (or a friend) of a family that has suffered the death of a child, The Compassionate Friends is here to help you and provide support for the family. Feel free to contact TCF’s National Office at 877-969-0010 or if you need assistance in finding a local Chapter or you have any other questions.

University of Maryland St. Joseph Medical Center

The ROOTS Parent and Family Support Group is for those who have suffered a loss in any stage of their pregnancy. Meetings are held on the first Monday of each month from 8 – 9:30 a.m. on the 3rd floor in the Edward V. Julio Family Bereavement Room.

Shady Grove Fertility

A miscarriage is challenging enough to experience under the best of circumstances, with the most support and understanding. However, during the pandemic it has been much harder due to social isolation and distancing from family, friends as well as medical caregivers. This virtual support group is being offered for those grieving the loss of a very much wanted baby in these stressful times.

The group is FREE for all participants.

Capital Women’s Care

As your caregivers at Capital Women’s Care, we extend our heartfelt sympathy to you and your family.  We understand that this is a difficult time for you and are here to support you in any way you may need.  It is our hope that you find the information below helpful and we encourage you to reach out to us for any needs, concerns, or questions that you may have.

Untold Stories

Untold Stories is a bereavement group for Maryland women to bridge the gap between pregnancy, loss, and the long road to healing. Join US for a safe place to find connection, community, and resources online after pregnancy and infant loss at any stage.

DC Area Moms

At DC Area Moms, we value supporting one another in all stages of motherhood. If you have experienced a pregnancy or infant loss, please don’t hesitate to reach out to any of these groups or organizations. These are here to support you. If you do decide to visit a group, please be sure to call or email to confirm meeting times and locations. We hope you find this guide helpful!


Share offers in-person and online support groups for grieving families in Maryland.

Pregnancy After Loss Support

Rockville – Integrative Therapy of Greater Washington – Pregnancy After Loss Support Group. Contact for more information.

‘more for Healthy Babies

Whether a miscarriage, stillborn death, or the loss of a baby after birth, the death of a child is devastating. If you have suffered the death of a child, please be assured that there are many people who are trained to help you cope with the grieving process.

Explore this page to learn more about coping with grief, support available to families, and tips for supporting a loved one who experienced a loss.

Stillborn and Infant Loss Support

In the US, over 22,000 babies are stillborn every year.*  SAILS understands the pain and suffering so many families endure and provides community support services, outreach programs, fundraising opportunities and an advocacy network to help reduce the emotional and financial burdens they encounter throughout their grieving process. 

Star Legacy Foundation

If you are in our area and want to connect with other parents who have experienced the loss of a stillborn child, or want to work to prevent pregnancy loss and neonatal death, please contact us. We also welcome questions from expectant parents who want to learn what they can do to ensure a healthy pregnancy.

Maryland Birth Services

We support unexpected and expected stillbirth, miscarriage, fatal diagnosis, NICU stays, maternal health needs and much more. Our support does not have a timeline.

Perinatal Equity and Care for Everyone (P.E.A.C.E.) Project

The Perinatal Equity and Care for Everyone (P.E.A.C.E.) Project provides clients, families and professionals with information about prenatal, postpartum and infant resources available in Howard County. Anyone in Howard County is eligible to request a referral through this program.

Postpartum Wellness

Your friends and family may not understand your grief after miscarriage. This can lead to more isolation and sorrow. The counselors at Postpartum Wellness have received specialized training to support mothers. Regardless of whether you have experienced a miscarriage, stillbirth, newborn death, or are pregnant following a loss we are here for you.