West Virginia

Parental Rights After Miscarriage (as of October 2023): In West Virginia, parents have the right to the release and burial of their child. (Please note: A report is mandatory for all miscarried and stillborn babies.)         

The Compassionate Friends

If you are a member (or a friend) of a family that has suffered the death of a child, The Compassionate Friends is here to help you and provide support for the family. Feel free to contact TCF’s National Office at 877-969-0010 or nationaloffice@compassionatefriends.org if you need assistance in finding a local Chapter or you have any other questions.

Shady Grove Fertility

A miscarriage is challenging enough to experience under the best of circumstances, with the most support and understanding. However, during the pandemic it has been much harder due to social isolation and distancing from family, friends as well as medical caregivers. This virtual support group is being offered for those grieving the loss of a very much wanted baby in these stressful times.

The group is FREE for all participants.

Cabell Huntington Hospital

If you have experienced the loss of a child due to miscarriage, stillbirth or infant loss, you don't have to grieve alone. This support group will offer discussion and resources with other families dealing with the loss of a child. Group discussion can help you and your family through the healing process.


Share offers in-person and online support groups for grieving families in West Virginia.

Pregnancy After Loss Support

Lewisburg – Angel Talk. Meets monthly. Contact Ruth Caruthers at: angeltalkgroup@gmail.com.

West Virginia Perinatal Partnership

A list of local resources and contacts.

West Virginia Family Grief Center

We promote an atmosphere of hope and healing where you and your family can learn that your feelings are normal. Sharing stories, feelings and similar experiences with others of the same age in a safe setting allows children and teens to see that they are not alone in their grief. They can safely talk without feeling different or unconnected.

Leavitt Funeral Services and Crematory

The following are some tools available to assist you in your healing journey. Contact us to discuss other resources and find a personalized solution to support you on the road to recovery.