National Resources

Mommy To A Little Saint - Catholic Pregnancy and Infant Loss Support

Mommy To A Little Saint is for Catholic women who have experienced the loss of a young child through miscarriage, stillbirth and infant loss. This group exists to provide support, encouragement and prayer as we move forward. Because the loss of a child impacts every aspect of our lives a variety of topics are likely to be discussed including pregnancy after loss and parenting.

March of Dimes

Find the resources, support, and strength you need to heal among a community of people who share an unspoken connection.

Love Not Lost

Ensuring everyone feels loved and supported in grief.


Stillbirthday Global Network is an internationally trusted benevolent organization whose philanthropic mission is simply to doula: to nurture sources of perinatal bereavement, strengthen skills of healthcare professionals and increase healthy engagement of perinatal related needs among communities. 


We are changing policies and practices within our communities — and across our nation — so that all bereaved individuals can achieve a healthy, prosperous, and equitable future.

Catholic Miscarriage Support

If you have found this page, chances are that you have had a miscarriage or are in the midst of one. We are so, so sorry for the loss of your child. It breaks our hearts that anyone would need this information, but we know that in reality, many parents are experiencing this pain every day and have many questions about what the Catholic Church teaches and what to do next. We hope we can help you find some answers.

While many topics on this website are specifically related to Catholicism, non-Catholics are certainly more than welcome to use all of the information presented here. It is not our intent to convert anyone, but to give Catholics a specific place to learn what their Church teaches surrounding miscarried children.

National Share

Share is a community for anyone who experiences the tragic death of a baby. We serve parents, grandparents, siblings, and others in the family unit, as well as the professionals who care for grieving families. Share is a national organization with over 75 chapters in 29 states. Our services include bed-side companions, phone support, face-to-face and online support group meetings, resource packets, private online communities, comfort kits, memorial events, training for caregivers, and so much more. Should you need them, we hope you can also benefit from at least one of these many resources.

Foreknown Ministries

When you go through a loss like a miscarriage, stillbirth, or an infant loss, the pain can be overwhelming and you don't know where to turn for support. At Foreknown Ministries, we guide you to process grief to help you find encouragement, community, and ultimately the Hope that Jesus has for your future.

Miscarriage Hope Desk

Your miscarriage support center - reclaim hope after miscarriage & recurrent pregnancy loss.

Covenant Resources

If you are here because you have experienced a miscarriage, please know that our thoughts and prayers are with you. We hope this site is a source of comfort for you and your family. 

If you have not experienced a miscarriage but are here to assist someone you love who has, we hope that this site will equip you with what you need to help your loved one navigate through the sorrow that can accompany a miscarriage. 

MISS Foundation

Welcome to the MISS Foundation’s website where you will find quick access to counseling resources, advocacy information, research on traumatic grief, education for healthcare providers and community members, and support services for those grieving the death, or impending death, of a child. This is also the home of the Selah Carefarm and the beloved 50 rescued animals who help traumatically bereaved families from around the world every day.

Bereaved Parents of the USA

We come together as Bereaved Parents of the USA to provide a safe space where grieving families can connect, share our stories, and learn to rebuild our lives. We attend meetings whenever we can and for as long as we find helpful. We share our fears, confusion, anger, guilt, frustrations, emptiness, and feelings of hopelessness, knowing these emotions will be met with compassion and understanding. As we support, comfort and encourage one another, we offer hope and healing. As we confront the deaths of our loved ones, our shared grief brings us to a common ground that transcends differences, building mutual understanding across the boundaries of culture, race, faith, values, abilities, and lifestyle.

Heaven’s Gain Ministries

Heaven’s Gain Ministries’ mission is to provide for the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of families experiencing pregnancy loss: before, during, and after the delivery of their precious baby.

Miscarriage Hurts

Whether the loss is your own or that of a loved one, we sincerely hope you find the resources in this website helpful and that they are able to assist you in moving forward through your healing journey.

Rachel’s Gift

Since 2008, we have collaborated with hospitals to provide specialized care for parents who lose a child to miscarriage, stillbirth, or infant death. At the time of crisis, our bereavement care and services help to lessen trauma and long-term regrets, reducing psychological damage.

Early Pregnancy Loss Association (EPLA)

The Early Pregnancy Loss Association (EPLA) supports women and families as they suffer early pregnancy loss. To provide this support, we distribute resources to care providers that directly aid women while they undergo the immediate physical and emotional burden of their loss.

By working closely with professional care providers, we are able to reach women and families through their current network of care. Care providers include doctors, nurses, clergy, counselors, and other non-profit service organizations that currently provide care for women and families.

Our Hearts Align

This site was created for you and your family to use through the entire process of your pregnancy loss.We wanted to provide you with resources to help you with your specific situation and to create connections with other families who have been in similar situations. Our goal is to help comfort you during this difficult time and let you know we are here supporting you the entire way.

Buzzy’s Bees

Our mission is simple: to help other parents in our position receive that same level of support. Each year we have been able to consistently award financial gifts to grieving families and provide emotional support to countless others.

M.E.N.D. (Mommies Enduring Neonatal Death

M.E.N.D. is here to provide hope and healing through your journey after the loss of your baby. M.E.N.D. (Mommies Enduring Neonatal Death) is a Christian, non-profit organization that reaches out to families who have suffered the loss of a baby through miscarriage, stillbirth, or early infant death. We publish free bi-monthly magazines, hold commemorative ceremonies, and host a variety of support groups throughout the nation. M.E.N.D. is a place for families to connect, share their unique story of loss, and learn to live life without your precious baby.  Together we are breaking down the barriers associated with the isolation and sadness of pregnancy and infant loss as we strive to turn our children's lives into legacies. 

First Candle

First Candle is committed to ending Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) and other sleep-related infant deaths while providing bereavement support to families who have experienced a loss

Return to Zero

 RTZ HOPE provides compassionate and holistic support for people who have experienced unimaginable loss during their journey to parenthood.

Angel Names

More than 26,000 babies are stillborn in the United States every year. The Angel Names Association is a nonprofit organization that aims to ease the financial burden imposed by stillbirth, provide supportive programs and services for families enduring the trauma of stillbirth, and raise money for stillbirth research. We are here to remind bereaved parents that they are never alone on their journeys to honor and grieve their children.

Ellie’s Way

Our mission is to provide comfort, encouragement, and hope to the grieving. It’s likely that you found us because you are grieving or know someone who is. We hope that you find support here. Feel free to look around and please consider joining our online support group. There are many resources on our site to help you on your journey. Thank you for visiting!

The Colette Louise Tisdahl Foundation

Our mission is to improve outcomes of pregnancy, childbirth, infancy, and prematurity, as well as assist in the grieving process through financial assistance, education, and advocacy.