
Parental Rights After Miscarriage (as of October 2023): In Oklahoma, parents have the right to the release and burial of their child. (Please note: A report is mandatory if stillbirth occurs after 20 weeks of gestation.)     

The Compassionate Friends

If you are a member (or a friend) of a family that has suffered the death of a child, The Compassionate Friends is here to help you and provide support for the family. Feel free to contact TCF’s National Office at 877-969-0010 or nationaloffice@compassionatefriends.org if you need assistance in finding a local Chapter or you have any other questions.

Beautifully Connected

Beautifully Connected offers professional bereavement support for families experiencing a miscarriage, still birth, or loss.

Hope After Miscarriage

A list of resources and local in-person support groups.

Norman Regional Health System

P.R.I.D.E. is an intervention team of nurses, chaplains, and social workers who are available to answer any questions you might have about your experience with miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, stillbirth or neonatal death and support you through the grief processes. PRIDE’s goal is to reach grieving families at all stages in their grief, whether it is at the time of loss or in the years following.

Saint Francis Health System

Laureate, a part of Saint Francis Health System, offers outpatient therapy and counseling. If you or a loved one would like to talk with a mental health professional, please call the Laureate Outpatient Clinic at 918-491-3700 to schedule an appointment.


Share offers in-person and online support groups for grieving families in Oklahoma.

Archdiocese of Oklahoma City

We are so sorry for your loss. We are here for you and would like to help you as you grieve. We can help you find other families who understand your pain and support you during this difficult time. 

OKC-County Health Department

If you have experienced the loss of a child, the Fetal and Infant Mortality Review project offers our deepest sympathy. Please know that you do not have to go through it alone. There is support and help for you and your family.

Whether your loss occurred during pregnancy or after birth, grief impacts all of us in different ways. Grief affects men and women differently. It is important to remember that your reactions are not right or wrong, good or bad; they are individual to you and a necessary part of healing.

Contact Amy Steele-Woods at 405-419-4142 to schedule an appointment.

OKC Friends Church

In-person meetings are held monthly on the third Monday of the month at 7:00 pm in Oklahoma City. For those for those who live outside of the Oklahoma City area, you may join us for these meetings via Google Hangout (e-mail us for details).

Calm Waters

We help children and families in their grief journey caused by death, divorce, or other significant loss.